
We are Not Affiliated with Any Other Companies.

At Bomb City Pool Care, we want to make it clear that we are an independent entity and not affiliated with any other companies. While we strive to provide high-quality services and products to our valued customers, it's important to note that our business operations are conducted solely under the Bomb City Pool Care name.

Our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction is our top priority. However, we cannot be held responsible for any claims, warranties, or liabilities made by other companies that may share similar names or offer similar services. We kindly request all customers to ensure that they are dealing exclusively with Bomb City Pool Care for any purchases, services, or inquiries.
We understand that there might be other entities operating in the pool care industry, but we want to emphasize that Bomb City Pool Care is an independent business with its own unique values, policies, and expertise. Any resemblance in names or services between other companies and ours is purely coincidental.

To ensure complete transparency, we encourage all customers to verify our contact information through official channels, including our website, official social media channels, and direct communication with our authorized representatives. These channels will provide accurate information about the services we offer and the extent of our business operations.

Please be aware that any interactions or transactions conducted outside of these official channels may not be affiliated with Bomb City Pool Care. We strongly advise customers to exercise caution and verify the credibility of any other companies they may encounter in the pool care industry.

Thank you for choosing Bomb City Pool Care. We appreciate your trust and confidence in our services, and we will always strive to deliver the highest level of expertise, reliability, and customer satisfaction that you deserve.

Note: This disclaimer is effective as of 10/05/2023 and is subject to change without prior notice. Please refer to our official channels for any updates or revisions to this disclaimer.